Friday, November 5, 2010

Hot 100 update #6

I can't believe that 6 weeks has flown by in this challenge.  Heck, I am still in shock that Turkey Day is in a couple weeks.  Where has this year gone?  The first half of the year I spent feeling better than I had in months and doing WW (well trying).  The second half I can account for all of it because most of it is blogged right here!  Either way this has been a much better year that 09.  I look forward to the last two months and what they might bring (presents for birthday and Christmas)!!

So this was not the best of weeks for my challenge.  I was off all week and not exactly sure why.  It could be that I spent all last month really gearing up for the 10k race and now that it's over I'm bummed.  However, I have other things to look forward to and other goals to achieve.  I need to snap out of it and realize that these goals are just as important to having a well rounded self!
  1. Get more sleep.  I did my best but a couple of nights were still a lost cause.  Semi-win!  
  2. Lose 20lbs.  Weighed in at 216.4 that is a 2 pound lose! We are back in the Win column. And with Aunt Flo visiting and all!
  3. Meal planning.  We stuck to the plan!  Total Win!
  4. Balance.  I was forced to endure a training session via CD yesterday.  So I did balance activities while attached to my computer.  Otherwise, I have been slacking a bit and not doing any outside the gym balancing.  Semi-win!   
  5. Tracking.  Fail!  I haven't tracked all week.  I really need to do this and I hate it.  Sigh. 

NovGTD Challenge update:  I completed 1.00 mile of my 30 mile challenge!  Perhaps a slow start will mean a strong finish! 

Have a great weekend everyone!  


  1. This year has gone by crazy fast. This has been a great year, but I am looking forward to what the new year will bring :)

  2. Nice on the weight loss and the meal planning! Tracking is hard for me too, I don't know why but it is. It works though!!

    Keep it up!

  3. Time is certainly flying by! Congrats on a great week. The challenge will be over before you know it!

  4. The year is flying by for sure!

    Don't let the past week get you down. Just focus on today. You can do this!

  5. That looks like a great week to me. Good job working on all your goals.
    and here's to an even better week!
