Friday, October 1, 2010

Hot 100 Update!

Good morning and Happy October!!  It's time to update on my first week of the Hot 100 Challenge!   
  1. Get more sleep.  It is definitely a work in progress.  I managed to get to bed by 10:30 most of the week!   I think my goal is 10!  
  2. Lose 20lbs.  I started this challenge at 226 and weighed-in on Wed at 222.2!   - 3.8 WIN! 
  3. Meal planning.  This is a bit of a cheat because I already have October done.  However, I do need to abide by it!  Still a WIN! 
  4. Balance.  Not as good with this goal.  I have had to stand on the train more and that takes quite the balance.  So it's something.  Yep, need more work on this one. 
Over all not a bad start.  The best part about 100 days is that there is plenty of time to reach my goals and improve my life one step at a time.   Here's to the next 7 days and making strides to further my health!  

OctGTD Challenge starts today!  I have to average 3.2 miles a day which seems really scary now but bring it!!  My friends are all being super helpful and offering to walk with me.  The puppy is going to be going for loads of walks too!  Plus, the running to be ready for my 10k! I BELIEVE I can do this!  

Welcome to the Autumn of Change!  Good luck to everyone embarking on these and other challenges!   


  1. Great job on meeting your challenge goals. You mean you've already planned all of october's meals? WTH? now I feel like a giant loser. I don't know what I'm having for dinner. But, then, I'm not a big planner. Sometimes if I plan then I rebel. I know. passive agressive tendencies. Great news on the loss! Keep going....

  2. Wow, Brigitte, you're off to an amazing Hottie start, congratulations! And all the best for a ROCKING week 2!

  3. Sounds like you had a great week! I can't believe you have all of October's meals planned - I just planned next week (not typical for me!) and I can't imagine doing a month at a time! Wow!
    Good luck on Week 2!

  4. You made great progress this week! Here's to the next 93 days!

  5. You're doing great so far!!! I really need to get some official goals for October written down ... hmmmm ... guess I know what I'm doing next! LOL!

  6. That is a great start to the Hot100 challenge! Keep it up!

  7. You are doing an amazing job, Brigitte - keep it up! It's fantastic that you have all your meals planned already. I'm always pretty good when it comes to the planning part but less successful in actually sticking to it, lol.

  8. Hey, that's a great start. Keep up the good work.

  9. Thanks to everyone! Welcome to new followers and readers! I sat down the last weekend of August and planned out Sept and Oct. Once I started it was pretty easy to just keep going. I have had to tweak it and make adjustments but having something to start with has made dinner time easier. We just go to the calendar and see what's next! Keep in mind I only plan to cook 3-4 nights a week. The rest is left overs. :) Everyone keep up the great work!
