Sunday, September 30, 2012

3 weeks to RNR STL

I was running along this morning enjoying the cooler weather (okay that is a blatant lie) when reality hit me upside the head that there are only 3 weeks until the RNR STL Half.  How the heck did this race just sneak up on me.  I mean wasn't I just in Hawaii running a half.  Oh right, I've been home for a month.  Well you know....

So I am not going to panic.  I mean I got this.  Thank goodness for a couple of 10ks that I can totally use as training runs!  SCORE!  Now if I can just convince the heel to quit hurting.  I do not think it is plantar factitious, I've had that before. This feels and acts differently.  I am not letting it stop me and trying to RICE as best as I can.  I have running to do dang nabit and I can rest in this winter.
In other news, I bought a new dry erase calendar to plan my meals on.  It's very nerdy, slightly organized and better for the environment!  In other words, I love it!!     
Here is the menu for this week: 
Sunday:  Turkey and Brown Rice Casserole
Monday:  LO
Tuesday: Meatloaf
Wednesday: LO
Thursday: Fish  
Friday: LO
Saturday: Chicken, Red Grape and Pesto Pizza

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Confessions of a Slacker!

It's been months since I've blogged anything.  Total slacker over here.  In my defense, I have been super busy with traveling and other activities.  We took the church kiddos to the Heifer International Ranch in Arkansas.  Turns out I'm highly allergic to that state.  So I spent weeks taking predisone and an antibiotic to feel better.  Then I took my mom to Hawaii!  I ran a half-marathon while there which was absolutely gorgeous.  Good news is I am NOT allergic to HI!  Bad news is I got a cold from all the planes/travel/running whatever is to blame and spent some more time recovering.  Perhaps, I should learn to stay home....nah!!! 

My meal planning has been non-existent as well.  My poor mom keeps whining about the lack of food in our house.  I have managed to wing and a prayer it since returning from Hawaii!  But it hasn't been well thought out or exactly nutritious meals.  How do people with kids survive? 

Now I need to buckle down and get back on track.  I signed up for Gold's Fall Challenge.  I mostly did it to get a discount on training and not so much for the challenge part but you never know maybe I'll gain some inspiration from it.   Because my inspiration/motivation is just not there...

...I hope it returns soon. 

In the mean time, I'll get back to meal planning, running and training! Routine has never let me down!  RNR STL in less than a month!  God, I love running!!